
Y 3 Easy Soil Tests You Can Do At Home

Y Ни одна ягодка не пострадает: хитрости, как отвадить птиц от вишен и черешен

Y Major health warning to anyone with a wood burning stove in their home

Y The Basics on a Rocket Mass Heater

Y Rocket Heater Gamera Clearly Efficient

Y Какви документи са нужни за соларен бойлер или панел на покрива?

У!? How to Make a Dirt Sifter


!! Restoring the Old Way of Warming: Heating People, not Place


V Много вкусна й извара в буркани

У ‘Very invasive’ and ‘aggressive’ plants to avoid - they'll ‘take control of your garden’


1. Bush honeysuckles
2. Creeping Jenny
3. Water hyacinth
4. Garlic mustard
5. Mile-a-minute weed

У? Gardner Claims Doing European “Hugelkultur” Method Transformed Her Garden

У 5 Tips For Choosing Seeds For Your Vegetable Garden

У 12 Tips You Need When Cooking With Cabbage Read More: https://www.tastingtable.com/1137830/tips-you-need-when-cooking-with-cabbage/


"When shopping for cabbage, take only the heads that are firm and well-compacted, with no browning or markings that could indicate worm damage. The leaves should be fresh and crisp, and the color of the leaves should match the variety you're buying. Typically, the darker green the leaves are, the more flavor they will have. The stem should be trimmed and look fresh, not dry and cracked. To ensure quality, red and green cabbage should have a solid, tight head and be weighty in comparison to their size..."


‘Great methods’ to remove ‘tough’ yellow stains from pillows without a washing machine


"One of the first methods to spot clean Karl suggested to remove yellow pillow stains is a combination of baking soda and white vinegar.

He said: “Because vinegar is an acid, it helps to remove any stains from your pillows. This method is great for tough stains that might have been there a while.”

The acetic acid in the vinegar helps to lift stains and banish odour. Baking soda works as a natural cleanser and deodoriser. It is a mild alkaline powder so it’s completely safe to use on all fabrics.

For this method, begin by covering the stain in white vinegar making sure to “fully saturate” it. Then mix a one to one ratio of baking soda and white vinegar - just enough to form a paste.

With the paste made, run it into the stain and leave it to sit for a few minutes. After, using a wet cloth, remove all of the paste. Households could also fully rinse the stain with more water but this isn't ideal if they don't want to get the full pillow wet.

Britons can also spot clean their pillows using lemon juice. Karl explained: “Lemon juice is an acid, and acts as a natural bleaching agent which takes out stains easily.”...

У Best expert advice on growing sweet peppers

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У 10 Must-Know Tips for Growing Tomatoes Indoors